Tuesday, October 16, 2007

American Farm Bureau Says Cattle Supplies Getting Tighter

According to the latest study by the American Farm Bureau Federation, supplies of feeder calves and fed cattle are tight and may get tighter this winter. Further, the outlook for Winter 2008 does not look any brighter either.

AFB says cattle and calves on feed in the country’s largest feedyards totaled 10.3 million head as of Sept. 1 - which is down 6 percent from one year ago.

Read the full story at American Farm Bureau.

“Looking inside the numbers, it’s clear inventories are down in nearly all the major cattle feeding states from a year ago,” AFBF Livestock Economist Jim Sartwelle said.

“This was in response to increased corn prices and the attraction of ample supplies of ethanol co-products (distillers’ grains) in those key corn-growing states to the fed cattle sector.”